Taking care of a new baby involves bathing, diapering, dressing and learning to tend to a variety of other needs. Your confidence will grow as you gain more experience in the day-to-day care of your new baby.

This class talks about bathing, diapering, dressing and caring for the other needs of your baby. Class topics are:

This class also includes:

Section 2 – How do I bathe my baby?

Your baby doesn’t need a tub bath every day. A gentle wash of your baby’s face, hands and bottom is all that is needed, on a daily basis.

Next are some tips for the bathing care of your baby.

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Section 3 – How do I diaper my baby?

Changing your baby’s diaper often will keep your baby comfortable and help prevent diaper rash. Newborn babies can use 10 to 15 diapers daily. Small amounts of dark colored urine (orange or rust colored) are normal in the first few days. This is called uric acid crystals. After day 3 the urine should be in larger amounts and a light yellow color.

There are many choices of diapers to use for your baby.

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Section 4 – What other things do I need to know about my baby?

Having a new baby in the house is very exciting! Along with feeding, bathing and diapering your baby there are other factors that need to be considered when it comes to caring for your baby. The following are a few of those topics.

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