During your baby’s first few months, there are a variety of common concerns that may occur, most of which are minor and can be handled at home. It is also during the first few months that doctors recommend your baby start a regular vaccination schedule.

This class talks about common infant concerns, such as jaundice, bowel habits, rashes and spitting up. It discusses childhood vaccinations and schedules.

This class also includes:

Section 2 – What concerns are common in infants?

There are quite a few common concerns when it comes to new infants. Sometimes as a new parent it’s hard to know what is or isn’t normal. This section takes a look at the most common concerns that arise.

Continue reading Section 2

Section 3 – How do I keep my baby safe?

Most child injuries are preventable. There are some very important things you can do to keep your baby safe like using an infant car seat correctly every time in a vehicle, preventing your baby from falling off furniture or down stairs, and using a safe crib. Often injuries happen because parents aren’t aware of the risks to their baby’s safety.

Continue reading Section 3

Section 4 – What vaccinations should my baby have?

Vaccination is one of the most important health care decisions an individual can make for themselves and for their children.  Vaccines are a safe and effective way to provide protection against many infectious diseases, preventing serious illness and severe complications from these diseases.  The risks of the diseases are significantly greater than any risks from the vaccines.

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