As a new parent you are faced with many decisions about what is best for you and your baby. Exclusive breastfeeding for six months is the healthiest decision. Only breastmilk is made especially for your baby. It will provide valuable nutrition for your baby’s growth and development. For babies who are not breastfed commerical iron fortified infant formula is recommended.

Discuss your thoughts about feeding your baby with your partner during pregnancy. Ask your healthcare professional for more information and about the supports that are available to you.

This class also includes:

Section 2 – Why breastfeed?

Breastmilk is the best milk for your baby. Breastfeeding your baby provides many benefits for your baby, you and your family.

Continue reading Section 2


Section 3 – Getting started

You will be encouraged to breastfeed soon after the birth of your baby. Some babies may breastfeed right away, while others may want to be cuddled at the breast. Cuddling is also an important step to breastfeeding. Early skin-to-skin contact can help you recognize your baby’s feeding cues. Babies communicate verbally and non-verbally.

Continue reading Section 3


Section 4 – What will my baby’s feeding behavior be like?

The first week of life is one of rapid changes for both you and your baby.

Continue reading Section 4


Section 5 – When should I get help?

The following signs tell you that you and your baby need immediate help from a health care professional who knows how to help with breastfeeding.

If baby:

  • Won’t go to the breast
  • Will only take a few sucks then falls asleep
  • Has less than 6 heavy wet diapers in 24 hours (day 4 onwards)
  • Has less than 4 yellow seedy stools in 24 hours (day 4 onwards)
  • Has hard stools that are not easily passed
  • Feeds less than 8 times in 24 hours (day 3 onwards)
  • Won’t wake up to feed
  • Hasn’t regained birth weight by 2 …

Continue reading Section 5


Section 6 – Nutrition for the breastfeeding mother

Eating a variety of food fromĀ Canada’s Food Guide will help you stay healthy and meet the nutrient needs of your baby. Healthy eating will also give you the energy needed to care for yourself and your new baby. The following are some guidelines to consider while you are breastfeeding your baby.

Continue reading Section 6


Section 7 – Expressing breastmilk

Breast milk can be expressed (removed from your breast) by hand or by using a breast pump. You may need to express your milk for several reasons

Continue reading Section 7


Section 8 – Breastmilk storage

Research varies about the proper storage time for expressed breastmilk. For the health and safety of your baby, shorter storage times for expressed breastmilk were chosen. The following guidelines may be used when you plan to store, freeze, thaw or warm your breastmilk. Expressed breastmilk may be used when you are away from your baby.

Continue reading Section 8


Section 9 – Formula feeding

Breastmilk is the best type of milk for your baby. For medical or personal reasons, you may decide to formula feed your baby. Iron-fortified infant formula should be used until your baby is 9-12 months old. Homo, 2%, 1% and skim milk do not provide your baby with proper nutrition. These milks do not contain adequate energy or fat for your growing baby. The protein and minerals are not easily digested by young babies. Homo, 2%, 1% or skim milk are a poor source of iron.

Commercial formula is usually cow’s milk that has been changed to be more …

Continue reading Section 9