In the first year of life, babies feel a wide range of emotions such as distress, fear, joy, interest and sadness. Babies can not talk, but parents can learn to understand how they are feeling if they watch them carefully.

Your baby’s emotional life

When you understand what your baby is feeling and why he might be feeling that way, you can better meet his needs. Over time, your baby will learn that you are there when he needs you. By observing your baby carefully you will learn to read his signals and respond to his needs. This will help him understand and learn to cope with his own emotions as he grows.

Building a secure attachment

There are many factors that affect your child’s happiness and health. One of the very important factors is your early relationship with your baby. When your baby can trust you to meet his needs, he will feel loved and secure. This is called secure attachment and is important for your baby’s social and emotional development.