It takes some time for you and your baby to get to know each other. Each baby is unique from birth!

This class covers how your baby might look and how you can get to know her!

This class also includes:

Section 2 – What does a new baby look like?

A first look at your new baby
If you have not seen a newborn baby you may be quite surprised when you first meet your child. Newborns look quite different from babies who are a few weeks old. Here are some of the normal things that you may notice about your newborn:

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Section 3 – What does a new baby do?

Here are a few interesting facts to help you to get to know your newborn better.

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Section 4 – How do I read my new baby’s cues?

In the first year of life, babies feel a wide range of emotions such as distress, fear, joy, interest and sadness. Babies can not talk, but parents can learn to understand how they are feeling if they watch them carefully.

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Section 5 – Levels of sleeping and waking

Newborn babies have six different levels of sleeping and waking called ‘states’. Understanding these states will make it easier for you to read your baby’s signals and respond to his needs.

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Section 6 – When Your Baby is Awake

Movement is vital for the healthy growth and development of your baby. Most of baby’s movements at this stage are reflexes like sucking, grasping and rooting.

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